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Prof. Dr. Roger Wattenhofer

Full Professor at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Deputy head of Computer Eng. and Networks Lab.

ETH Zürich

Inst. f. Techn. Informatik u. K.

ETZ G 96

Gloriastrasse 35

8092  Zürich


Research area

Distributed Computing, Networks

Curriculum Vitae

Roger Wattenhofer is a full professor at the Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Department, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He received his doctorate in Computer Science in 1998 from ETH Zurich. From 1999 to 2001 he was in the USA, first at Brown University in Providence, RI, then at Microsoft Research in Redmond, WA. He then returned to ETH Zurich, originally as an assistant professor at the Computer Science Department.

Roger Wattenhofer's research interests are a variety of algorithmic and systems aspects in computer science and information technology, currently in particular wireline and wireless networks, distributed systems, and physical algorithms. He publishes in different communities: distributed computing, networking, or theory of computer science.

Course Catalogue

Autumn Semester 2024

Number Unit
227-0014-20L Computational Thinking
227-0085-59L Hands-On Deep Learning
227-0085-66L P&S: Coding Algorithms for a Scavenger Hunt
227-0102-00L Discrete Event Systems
227-0555-00L Distributed Systems
252-0217-00L Computer Systems
363-1182-00L New Technologies in Finance and Insurance
364-1058-00L Risk Center Seminar Series
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